So say you’ve reached the good credit score you’ve been aiming for. The next struggle is keeping your score at this sweet spot so that you don’t slip beneath what you’ve been working so hard to get to. Here are some tips for maintaining your credit score.

  1. Payment alerts. If you’re worried about missing a payment date, set up alerts either through your bank’s website or on your calendar (on your phone, through your email, etc.). Missing a payment can lead to bad credit, and it’s easy enough to not miss the date.
  2. Auto-pay. This relates back to the first one in a way—if you’re afraid of missing the payment date on your bills or for a loan, you can set them on an auto-pay so you won’t have to even worry about missing them.
  3. Regularly check your score. It’s helpful to check in on your score regularly so you can note any inconsistencies and ensure that your score is as healthy as you think it is.

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